What is Tally Software Services

Tally Software Services (TSS) is a software subscription for a collection of services which add great value to your Tally.ERP 9 by giving you the latest developments in technology and statutory laws. Continuous product upgrades and Updates, connectivity driven functionalities such as online data exchange between your branches, remote access, seamless banking and payment services and much more, enhance your business performance by leaps and bounds.

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Remote Access Services

Your business data stays with you locally, and is never stored on Tally.NET servers or on systems accessing that data via Remote Access by creating a Tally.Net login. With the help of this Tally.Net id you get unlimited remote edit services and can easily manage your business on the move. It also allows your CA to use audit services using Tally.NET
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Business Reports on Any Device, Anywhere

Real-time and secure access to important business report from a web browser, on any device, anywhere. View your important business reports anywhere on a web browser .Convenience of accessing your data anywhere while your data stays only with you.You can download an invoice or any report and share it on the go

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Data Synchronization

Decide on Synchronization Type : Centralized / Decentralized / Hybrid, we will set it up for your Multi Location Organization. Sync Data Periodically or directly enter data to Tally Server.Complete visibility of business through consolidated reports of Head office and Branch office

Banking & Payment

Experience smooth and ease of banking using Banking and Payment Services provided through TSS. Receive updates for all the latest cheque formats of banks available in your Tally.ERP 9 Automatically reconcile your books of accounts with your bank statements. It’s quick, simple, accurate and stress-free. It saves your time, manpower and money